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Aimee use 2 Day Diet lose weight succeed

When did you become unhappy with your weight?

Right after I had my first son. I couldn't do the basic things that I used to be able to do easily.

What made you decide to lose weight?

I was trying to get back down to a healthy weight so that I didn't develop any heath problems. I could feel myself getting strained.

What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?

Working out was number 1. I started going to Curves. That 30 min. work out place. It was hard, but I did that for three months. Then I started my 2 Day Diet powerd by 2daydiet.me.Then I started working out harder at a local YMCA. Always changing it up in my routine so I wouldn't plateau.

What was most challenging about losing weight?

Staying focused! I was on the diet, not my family. So I had to find ways to eat separately and find time away to work out.

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